I have managed to beat all the souls/borne titles without reaching this level of frustration. We do encourage original content, however. Unmarked posts will be removed and member subject to severe punishment.

Full rules: Ġ8: NSFW Content - Posts containing NSFW or explicit content must be properly marked as NSFW. No more than about 10% of what you post should be your brand, even if you're not monetized or profiting from it. Shit-posting, spam, low-quality and contextless images/screenshots/GIFs are not allowed.Ġ5: Do not discuss cheating, duplication, piracy, hacking or exploitation.Ġ6: "Witch Hunting" - Naming and shaming other players will lead to punishment.Ġ7: No advertising / self promotion. Discord) and referrals will be removed.Ġ4: Content must be directly related to Dying Light's franchise. No racism, sexism, homophobia, slurs, or other hateful language.Ġ2: Spoilers must be marked and tag included in title.Ġ3: No affiliate links - Amazon, GMG tap links, etc. Let us know if you have updated to the latest version in the comments below.Dying Light, Dying Light 2 and Dying Light: Bad Blood are first person zombie survival games developed by Techland.Ġ1: Be Civil - Do not attack other posters. Support for background music playback added (Spotifiy).Various stability improvements, including co-op.Entirely new progression system – three stages of mutation with additional, unique skills.Various balance changes: – Weapon adjustments – Loot chests adjustments – Gold-tier weapons drop rate increase – Shops prices selection adjustments – Crafting adjustments