You and your allies in the area gain Minor Protection and Minor Endurance, reducing your Damage Taken by 8% and increasing your Stamina Recovery by 10%.

These abilities must be activated manually, for a cost. Increases the Damage and Stuns enemies hit.Arm yourself with Meridia’s Sacred Sword and dispense her retribution, dealing 1371 Physical Damage to enemies in front of you and an additional 1191 Physical Damage over 5 seconds, and Stunning them for 1.8 seconds.While slotted, your Weapon Damage is increased.While slotted, your Weapon Damage is increased by 2%. Arm yourself with Meridia’s Sacred Sword and dispense her retribution, dealing 1029 Physical Damage to enemies in front of you and an additional 1191 Physical Damage over 5 seconds.These abilities must be activated manually, for a cost of Ultimate. Good relations with the guild has many benefits, including new skills and abilities. To gain reputation with them, you must destroy Dark Anchors or kill Daedra and undead.

The Fighters Guild is a mercenary organization found all over Tamriel.