You can just spawn manipulator modules with “/spawnitem manipulatormodule” and then the number of them you want (e.g. Upgrade Modules can be found in any chest, but are more common in Challenge Rooms, and also have a 0-10% chance to spawn as a reward when a Reward Bag is used (depending on mission difficulty). They can be traded in to either Penguin Pete for ship upgrades, or Biggy’s Reputable Weaponry for upgraded weapons. Upgrade modules can be found randomly in the world (in containers) and can be found in reward bags (quest rewards). Gather the appropriate number of upgrade modules, turn in the quest, and the ship upgrade will be applied. Can you buy upgrade modules in Starbound? You most likely missed the card pickup and beamed to a planet, subsequently deleting said necessary object. The issue is that there is a physical license you need to pick up that will disappear instantly once receiving and accepting the quest to upgrade your ship. Why can’t I upgrade my ship in Starbound? You can get Manipulator Modules as a reward for quests, find them in chests or in previous versions you could craft them at the Iron Crafting Table or higher crafting stations from 10 Matter Module Components and 1 Diamond. Complete the mission and your ship get upgraded. Once you have it you will get a mission to bring the modules to an NPC in the outpost. You can either get it by hiring enough crew members or buying it from the penguins in the outpost. How do I give myself upgrade modules in Starbound? There are 5 different ship licenses that you must obtain in order to fully upgrade your ship….Ship License. Once you have enough crew members, you will receive a ship license. How many upgrade modules do you need to upgrade your ship in Starbound? Upgrade Modules also have a small chance to drop from most monsters when killed.